RxJava + Retrofit -> BaseObservable for API calls for centralized response handling

Two links you provided are a really good starting point, which I used to construct solution to react to accidental

  • network errors happen sometimes due to temporary lack of network connection, or switch to low throughtput network standard, like EDGE, which causes SocketTimeoutException
  • server errors -> happen sometimes due to server overload

I have overriden CallAdapter.Factory to handle errors and react appropriately to them.

  1. Import RetryWithDelayIf from the solution you found

  2. Override CallAdapter.Factory to handle errors:

    public class RxCallAdapterFactoryWithErrorHandling extends CallAdapter.Factory {
        private final RxJavaCallAdapterFactory original;
        public RxCallAdapterFactoryWithErrorHandling() {
            original = RxJavaCallAdapterFactory.create();
        public CallAdapter<?> get(Type returnType, Annotation[] annotations, Retrofit retrofit) {
            return new RxCallAdapterWrapper(retrofit, original.get(returnType, annotations, retrofit));
        public class RxCallAdapterWrapper implements CallAdapter<Observable<?>> {
            private final Retrofit retrofit;
            private final CallAdapter<?> wrapped;
            public RxCallAdapterWrapper(Retrofit retrofit, CallAdapter<?> wrapped) {
                this.retrofit = retrofit;
                this.wrapped = wrapped;
            public Type responseType() {
                return wrapped.responseType();
            public <R> Observable<?> adapt(final Call<R> call) {
                return ((Observable) wrapped.adapt(call)).onErrorResumeNext(new Func1<Throwable, Observable>() {
                    public Observable call(Throwable throwable) {
                        Throwable returnThrowable = throwable;
                        if (throwable instanceof HttpException) {
                            HttpException httpException = (HttpException) throwable;
                            returnThrowable = httpException;
                            int responseCode = httpException.response().code();
                            if (NetworkUtils.isClientError(responseCode)) {
                                returnThrowable = new HttpClientException(throwable);
                            if (NetworkUtils.isServerError(responseCode)) {
                                returnThrowable = new HttpServerException(throwable);
                        if (throwable instanceof UnknownHostException) {
                            returnThrowable = throwable;
                        return Observable.error(returnThrowable);
                }).retryWhen(new RetryWithDelayIf(3, DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS, new Func1<Throwable, Boolean>() {
                    public Boolean call(Throwable throwable) {
                        return throwable instanceof HttpServerException
                                || throwable instanceof SocketTimeoutException
                                || throwable instanceof UnknownHostException;

    HttpServerException is just a custom exception.

  3. Use it in Retrofit.Builder

    Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
            .addCallAdapterFactory(new RxCallAdapterFactoryWithErrorHandling())

Extra: If you wish to parse errors that come from API (error that don't invoke UnknownHostException, HttpException or MalformedJsonException or etc.) you need to override Factory and use custom one during building Retrofit instance. Parse the response and check if it contains errors. If yes, then throw error and error will be handled inside the method above.