RxJs Observable - Handle 404 by emitting default value

I think I may have figured this out. A hint was lurking in the browser console...

TypeError: You provided 'undefined' where a stream was expected. You can provide an Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable.

Reading the RxJs documentation on error handling showed them doing what I'm trying to do, so I was a bit confused by this. But then I noticed that in the documentation they call a mystery function getCachedVersion() which I assumed returned an actual cached thing. However if they instead returned an Observable.of() some actual cached thing, then that might explain it.

When I changed my catch code to:

        .catch(function (e) {
            if(e.status === 404) {
                // no photo for this user!
                console.log(`No photo for user ${id}!  Returning default...`);
                return Observable.of(undefined);

...it all started working.