RxSwift: Mapping a completable to single observable?

I am not sure about RxSwift, but in RxJava you could to the following

repository.replace(with: value).andThen(Single.just(value))

Just a few months after I answered this question, a new operator was added to the Completable type. .andThen. Using it makes this code much simpler:

func doSomething(with value: SomeType) -> Single<SomeType> {
    return repository.replace(with: value)

Origional Answer Follows:

Hmm... A Completable never emits an element so there is nothing to flatMap to. I.E. it doesn't make sense to even use the flatMap operator on a Completable. The only thing you can really do with it is subscribe to it.

Therefore, you need to implement your method like this:

func doSomething(with value: SomeType) -> Single<SomeType> {
    return Single<SomeType>.create { observer in
        return repository.replace(with: value)
            .subscribe(onCompleted: {
            }, onError: {

I've tried to work with Observables that don't emit values in the past, before these newfangled types, and I've always found them to be a pain. If I were you, I would convert your replace method to return a Single<Void> instead of a Completable. i.e.:

func replace(with value: SomeType) -> Single<Void> 

If you do that, then you can simply:

func doSomething(with value: SomeType) -> Single<SomeType> {
    return repository.replace(with: value).map { value }

Of course if you can do that, then you might as well have replace(with:) itself return a Single<SomeType>.



Rx Swift