Safe Args: use list of parcelables

Currently i don't think there is a simple way to use list of parcelables with safe args, But i have found some "hack" to make this work. For example, i have object 'User' and it parcelable, i am declaring a new parcelable object 'Users' that extending ArrayList().

data class User(var name: String, val age: Int): Parcelable

class Users: ArrayList<User>(), Parcelable

Now i can set 'Users' as argument in navigation


And passing array list of parcelables between destinations:

 val user=User("Alex", 36)
 val users= Users()
 val action=MainFragmentDirections.actionMainFragmentToSecondFragment(users)

And to retrieve them on other destination:

val users=SecondFragmentArgs.fromBundle(arguments).users
val user=users[0]


Support to list of objects coming in alpha8:

Update 2: The approach mentioned above will not work in case the activity is recreated, as @Parcelize will not be able to store/restore the list.

The object will be store in the state bundle, however, it will store an empty list of objects.

An improvement to @LaVepe suggestion: as for Android Studio 3.4.2 you can pass Parcelable array with in-built feature of navigation editor by specifying Arguments for chosen destination. Just check 'Array' option after choosing your custom Parcelable class which should not be wrapped in any collection beforehand:


EDIT Here how it looks in xml:

        app:argType="[]" />

In your Fragment/Activity code you might strictly pass a typed array of model Parcelable items. If you have non-array collection and write in Kotlin, it may be achieved with (if you have list beforehand) list.toTypedArray().

Yes, since version 1.0.0-alpha08 you can now pass arrays of parcelable objects like this:


For passing arrays of primitive types use for e.g. app:argType="integer[]"