save bookmark with relative path to current-site
javascript:void(window.location.href = '/path-to-some-page');
Is another way of bookmarking a relative path.
I haven't seen a way to save a relative or root-relative link without resorting to a bookmarklet.
As far as a bookmarklet is concerned, it's relatively easy to generate one that will take you to whatever path you'd like:
Replace 'path'
at the end with a properly escaped string containing whatever path you'd like. Note that this will differentiate between relative and root-relative paths based on whether they start with a /
In long form:
(rel => {
location =
// if the relative path starts with /
// go to http(s)://{domain}/{relative path}
? `${location.protocol}//${}${rel}`
// otherwise go to http(s)://{domain}/{current path}/{relative path}
: `${location.protocol}//${}${location.pathname}/${rel}`
// call the function providing the relative path to use