Save tensorflow model to file

The way I solved this was by pickleing Sklearn objects like binarizers, and using tensorflow's inbuilt save functions for the actual model:

Saving tensorflow model:
1) Build the model as you usually would
2) Save the session with tf.train.Saver(). For example:

oSaver = tf.train.Saver()

oSess = oSession, sModelPath)  #filename ends with .ckpt

3) This saves all available variables etc in that session to their variable names.

Loading tensorflow model:
1) The entire flow needs to be re-initialized. In other words, variables, weights, bias, loss function etc need to be declared, and then initialized with tf.initialize_all_variables() being passed into
2) That session now needs to be passed to the loader. I abstracted the flow, so my loader looks like this:

dAlg = tf_training_algorithm()  #defines variables etc and initializes session

oSaver = tf.train.Saver()
oSaver.restore(dAlg['oSess'], sModelPath)

return {
    'oSess': dAlg['oSess'],
    #the other stuff I need from my algorithm, like my solution space etc

3) All objects you need for prediction need to be gotten out of your initialisation, which in my case sit in dAlg

PS: Pickle like this:

with open(sSavePathFilename, 'w') as fiModel:
    pickle.dump(dModel, fiModel)

with open(sFilename, 'r') as fiModel:
    dModel = pickle.load(fiModel)