Saving enum from select in Rails 4.1

No need converting the enum hash to array with to_a. This suffice: :color, { |key, value| [key.humanize, key] }

Alright, so apparently, you shouldn't send the integer value of the enum to be saved. You should send the text value of the enum.

I changed the input to be the following:

f.input :color, :as => :select, :collection => Wine.colors.keys.to_a

Which generated the following HTML:

<select id="wine_color" name="wine[color]">
  <option value=""></option>
  <option value="red">red</option>
  <option value="white">white</option>
  <option value="sparkling">sparkling</option>

Values went from "0" to "red" and now we're all set.

If you're using a regular ol' rails text_field it's: :color, Wine.colors.keys.to_a

If you want to have clean human-readable attributes you can also do: :color, { |w| [w.humanize, w] }