Scala getClass.getResource() returning null

You have three options:

  • take advantage of relative path to your current package (where Test.class is):

  • you can use absolute path:

  • or load through the ClassLoader (note that it always start from root):


In IntelliJ IDEA, make sure you have added ;?*.fxml to the:

Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Compiler | Resource Patterns.

Possibly it's not being copied to the bin/ directory from the src/ directory? This happens on recompilation, but if you drop it into the src/ directory after the program is already compiled, the IDE won't know.

Late answer but I just had this same problem. The root cause was an incorrect entry in my settings.gradle. Once I fixed that, cleaned, and rebuilt my resource were able to load using getClass().getResource(). Hopefully that helps somebody.