scala - Spark : How to union all dataframe in loop

Steffen Schmitz's answer is the most concise one I believe. Below is a more detailed answer if you are looking for more customization (of field types, etc):

import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructType, StructField, StringType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row

//initialize DF
val schema = StructType(
  StructField("aCol", StringType, true) ::
  StructField("bCol", StringType, true) ::
  StructField("name", StringType, true) :: Nil)
var initialDF = spark.createDataFrame(sc.emptyRDD[Row], schema)

//list to iterate through
var fruits = List(

for (x <- fruits) {
  //union returns a new dataset
  initialDF = initialDF.union(Seq(("aaa", "bbb", x)).toDF)



  • How to create an empty DataFrame with a specified schema?

You could created a sequence of DataFrames and then use reduce:

val results = fruits.
  map(fruit => Seq(("aaa", "bbb", fruit)).toDF("aCol","bCol","name")).

If you have different/multiple dataframes you can use below code, which is efficient.

val newDFs = Seq(DF1,DF2,DF3)
newDFs.reduce(_ union _)