Scala - URL with Query String Parser and Builder DSL
The following library can help you parse and build URLs with query string parameters (Disclaimer: This is my own library):
It provides a DSL for building URLs with query strings:
val uri = "" ? ("one" -> 1) & ("two" -> 2)
You can parse a uri and get the parameters into a Map[String,List[String]]
like so:
val uri = parseUri("").query.params
Theon's library looks pretty nice. But if you just want a quickie encode method, I have this one. It deals with optional parameters, and also will recognize JsValues from spray-json and compact print them before encoding. (Those happen to be the two things I have to worry about, but you could easily extend the match block for other cases you want to give special handling to)
def buildEncodedQueryString(params: Map[String, Any]): String = {
val encoded = for {
(name, value) <- params if value != None
encodedValue = value match {
case Some(x:JsValue) => URLEncoder.encode(x.compactPrint, "UTF8")
case x:JsValue => URLEncoder.encode(x.compactPrint, "UTF8")
case Some(x) => URLEncoder.encode(x.toString, "UTF8")
case x => URLEncoder.encode(x.toString, "UTF8")
} yield name + "=" + encodedValue
encoded.mkString("?", "&", "")
Spray has a very efficient URI parser. Usage is like so:
import spray.http.Uri
val uri = Uri("")
You can set the query params like so:
uri withQuery ("param2" -> "2", "param3" -> 3")