Scipy sparse invert or spsolve lead to UMFPACK_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY

First let me say that this question should be better asked on where there is a great community of experts in computational science and numerical linear algebra.

Let's start from the basics: never invert a sparse matrix, it's completely meaningless. See this discussion on MATLAB central and particularly this comment by Tim Davis.

Briefly: there are no algorithms for numerically inverting a matrix. Whenever you try to numerically compute the inverse of a NxN matrix, you solve in fact N linear systems with N rhs vectors corresponding to the columns of the identity matrix.

In other words, when you compute

from scipy.sparse import eye
from scipy.sparse.linalg import (inv, spsolve)

N = Bs.shape[0]
iBs = inv(Bs)
iBs = spsolve(Bs, eye(N))

the last two statements (inv(eye) and spsolve(Bs, eye(N))) are equivalent. Please note that the identity matrix (eye(N)) is not a ones vector (np.ones(N)) as you question falsely assumes.

The point here is that matrix inverses are seldom useful in numerical linear algebra: the solution of Ax = b is not computed as inv(A)*b, but by a specialised algorithm.

Going to your specific problem, for big sparse system of equations there are no black-box solvers. You can chose the correct class of solvers only if you have a good understanding of the structure and properties of your matrix problem. The properties of your matrices in turn are a consequence of the problem you are trying to solve. E.g. when you discretise by the FEM a system of elliptic PDE, you end up with a symmetric positive sparse system of algebraic equations. Once you know the properties of your problem, you can choose the correct solving strategy.

In your case, you are trying to use a generic direct solver, without reordering the equations. It is well known that this will generate fill-ins which destroy the sparsity of the iBs matrix in the first phase of the spsolve function (which should be a factorisation.) Please note that a full double precision 150000 x 150000 matrix requires about 167 GB of memory. There are a lot of techniques for reordering equations in order to reduce the fill-in during factorisation, but you don't provide enough info for giving you a sensible hint.

I'm sorry, but you should considering reformulating your question on clearly stating which is the problem you are trying to solve, in order to give a clue on the matrix structure and properties.