Script-r Symbol
You may want to consult Dr. David J. Griffiths's web page at
At the bottom of the page he provides a link "To create script-r in TeX:"
EDIT: There's often a little too much whitespace after the glyph. If you want to reduce this, you can crop it by using these macros instead of the ones Griffiths suggests:
\def\rcurs{{\mbox{$\resizebox{.09in}{.08in}{\includegraphics[trim= 1em 0 14em 0,clip]{ScriptR}}$}}}
\def\brcurs{{\mbox{$\resizebox{.09in}{.08in}{\includegraphics[trim= 1em 0 14em 0,clip]{BoldR}}$}}}
If you are willing to use lualatex
and unicode-math
. At least you can get a free script font, XITS
or Asana
. They both have a script font and its bold version.
is a free script font. But there seems to be no bold version.
Any way the glyphs in XITS
and Asana
are not exactly what you want. But if you only want script fonts with bold version instead of exactly reproduce the look in that book, they should work.
\setmathfont{XITS Math}
\mathscr{\az} \\
\mathscr{\AZ} \\
\mathbfscr{\az} \\
In MathTime \mathbcal{\altr}
But the font isn't free...
And, my opinion is, that alternative r on print, even in handwriting, doesn't read well.