Scroll textfield up when keyboard popsup
To complete the answer, if you want to animate the scroll replace:
$htmlOrBody.scrollTop(textareaTop - scrollTopPadding);
var timing = 250;
$htmlOrBody.animate({ scrollTop: textareaTop - scrollTopPadding }, timing);
with jQuery, get the textarea's offset().top
value then set document scroll position using scrollTop()
var $htmlOrBody = $('html, body'), // scrollTop works on <body> for some browsers, <html> for others
scrollTopPadding = 8;
$('textarea').focus(function() {
// get textarea's offset top position
var textareaTop = $(this).offset().top;
// scroll to the textarea
$htmlOrBody.scrollTop(textareaTop - scrollTopPadding);
jsfiddle example