scrum meetings code example

Example 1: scrum meetings

Grooming meeting: we discuss about the team’s priority 
features and product backlog items and 
we learn the part of the application 
which we are going to developed. 
Choosing story based on velocity and capacity.
Sprint Planning Meeting : pick user stories 
from product backlog to sprint backlog.
Daily Stand up meeting
Demo meeting: Everyone show their done work to the team and PO.
PO accepts or rejects their works.
Retro meeting: What went well? what was not going well?
how can we improve?

Example 2: meetings in agile

=Grooming meeting - PO prioritize product backlog,
we are pointing user stories. it takes 2 hours

=Sprint planing meeting - 
when we select user stories from product
backlog to sprint backlog. Takes around 2 hours.

=Daily Standup meeting - everday except first day
and last day of sprint. 15 min

=Demo meeting - When we demonstrate our work.
In our company team lead demonstrate our work to client and po. 
This is where po checks our works if 
it meet with definition criteria

=Retro meeting - Takes usually 1 hour. 
Where we criticese our working process. 
Team members suggest new ideas to improve team.
Last action item we took in retro meeting
was developers sometimes forget to tell
testers when code pushed to test environment
To solve miscommunication we deciced developers
will let tester know on slack group chat
once they push the code.


Misc Example