Search stops working for "Entire Solution"

Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-bit, Visual Studio 9.0.30729.1

Didn't Work:

  • Ctrl + Break
  • Ctrl + Scroll Lock
  • Restart of Visual Studio


  • Break (in Find Result 1 & 2) (only pressed once)

Source: Comments in Gordon's link...

I get that problem once in a while. One seemingly nonsensical solution I've found is to click inside the Find Results window (not the Output window). Once the blinking text cursor is visible, hit Ctrl+Break four or five times. This seems to "unblock" whatever causes the problem.

There are reports Ctrl + ScrLk may need to be used instead of Ctrl+Break . If these doesn't work then try Break alone.

Note from Codeguard: I have found an explanation and deterministic solution to this problem