searching in eclipse

If you go to Search>Files... you'll have an advanced search dialogue where you amongst others can specify the scope to search in (all of the workspace, selected resources only etc.). Is this what you're looking for?

And also, if searching through a single file (+), you have the standard search dialogue where you can specify search direction to either forward or backward.

  • Search forward in file: Edit -> Incremental Find Next
  • Search backward in file: Edit -> Incremental Find Previous
  • Search in multiple files: Search -> File -> Containing Text.
  • Search files in a specific subdirectory: Select the sub-directory -> Search -> File -> Scope: Selected resources.

I reccomend that you learn the short-cuts for these tasks. (Key-combination is found right beside the menu-item.)

Use the Remote Search Feature. Here you can browse for local folders. Some stupid name...

When you are searching "Java Resources" with "File Search" with "Selected resources" checkbox checked - you will not get any results.

To search recursively a chosen folder for any files:

  1. Select folder (it has to be folder)

enter image description here

  1. Select FileSearch with "Selected resources" checked.

enter image description here

Good luck


