Security strategies for storing password on disk

This is not a solution for cryptography. No matter the cipher used, the key will be equally accessible to the attacker. Cyrpto doesn't solve all problems.

chmod 400 is best, this makes it read only. chmod 600 is read write, which may or may not be a requirement. Also make sure its chown'ed by the the process that needs it. This is really the best you can do. Even if you are sharing the machine with other users they shouldn't be able to access it. Hopefully this is a dedicated machine, in that case there isn't much of a threat. SELinux or AppArmor will help harden the system from cross process/cross user attacks.

Edit: shred is the tool you need to securely delete files.

Edit: Based on Moron/Mike's comments the unix command ps aux will display all running processes and the command used to invoke them. For instance the following command will be exposed to all users on the system: wget ftp://user:password@someserver/somefile.ext. A secure alternative is to use the CURL library. You should also disable your shells history. In bash you can do this by setting an environment variable export HISTFILE=

You're not far from the best approach given your constraints. You have two issues to deal with. The first is password storage. The second is using the password securely.

Dealing with the second one first -- you have a huge issue in the use of the command line program. Using options to the 'ps' command, a user can see the arguments used in running the command line program. From what you've written, this would contain the password in plain text. You mention this is an unchangeable interface. Even so, as an ethical programmer, you should raise the issue. If this were a banking application handling financial transactions, you might consider finding another job rather than being part of an unethical solution.

Moving on to securely storing the password, you don't mention what language you are using for your batch files. If you are using a shell script, then you have little recourse than than to hard code the password within the shell script or read it in plain-text from a file. From your description of storing the password in a separate file, I'm hoping that you might be writing a program in a compiled language. If so, you can do a little better.

If using a compiled language, you can encrypt the password in the file and decrypt within your program. The key for decryption would reside in the program itself so it couldn't be read easily. Besides this, I would

  • chmod 400 the file to prevent other users from reading it
  • add a dot prefix ('.') to the file to hide it from normal directory listing
  • rename the file to make it less interesting to read.
  • be careful not to store the key in a simple string -- the 'strings' command will print all printable strings from a unix executable image.

Having done these things, the next steps would be to improve the key management. But I wouldn't go this far until the 'ps' issue is cleared up. There's little sense putting the third deadbolt on the front door when you plan to leave the window open.