sed - apply changes in multiple files
sed -s -n -i '0,/<\/foo:bar>/p' *.txt
tells sed to treat each file as separate.
Because we don't want sed
to quit until all the files are done, we change to just print from the beginning to <\/foo:bar>
and not print the rest of the lines. -n
tells sed not print unless we explicitly ask it to. The command 0,/<\/foo:bar>/p
tells sed to print any line in the range from the beginning of the file to the first line that matches <\/foo:bar>
The -s
option is not available for BSD/OSX sed.
To stop reading the files when </foo:bar>
is found:
With GNU awk
gawk -i inplace '{print}; $0 == "</foo:bar>" {nextfile}' ./*.txt
With perl
perl -ni -e 'print; close ARGV if $_ eq "</foo:bar>\n"' ./*.txt