Segmentation fault when using TF_SessionRun to run TensorFlow graph in C (not C++)

I managed to resolve the issue after more time trying out functions in the C api and paying close attention to the dimensionality of my placeholders. My original seg fault was caused by passing the wrong operation name string to TF_GraphOperationByName(), however the seg fault only occurred at TF_SeesionRun() as this was the first place it tried to access that operation. Here's how I resolved the issue, for anyone facing the same problem:

Firstly, check your operations to ensure that they're assigned correctly. in my case, the operation name I provided to input_op was incorrect due to an error when obtaining the operation names in Python. The incorrect op name I got from Python was 'lstm_4_input'. I found this was incorrect by running the following on the loaded graph with the C API:

  n_ops = 700
  for (int i=0; i<n_ops; i++)
    size_t pos = i;
    std::cout << "Input: " << TF_OperationName(TF_GraphNextOperation(graph, &pos)) << "\n";

Where n_ops is the number of operations in your graph. This will print out your operation names; in this case I could see there was no 'lstm_4_input', but there was an 'lstm_1_input', so I changed the value accordingly. Furthermore, it validated that my output operation, 'output_node0', was correct.

There were a few other issues that became clear once I resolved the seg fault, so here's the complete working code, with detailed comments, for anyone facing similar problems:

#include "tensorflow/c/c_api.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>

TF_Buffer* read_file(const char* file);

void free_buffer(void* data, size_t length) {

static void Deallocator(void* data, size_t length, void* arg) {
        // *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(arg) = true;

int main() {
  // Use read_file to get graph_def as TF_Buffer*
  TF_Buffer* graph_def = read_file("tensorflow_model/constant_graph_weights.pb");
  TF_Graph* graph = TF_NewGraph();

  // Import graph_def into graph
  TF_Status* status = TF_NewStatus();
  TF_ImportGraphDefOptions* graph_opts = TF_NewImportGraphDefOptions();
  TF_GraphImportGraphDef(graph, graph_def, graph_opts, status);
  if (TF_GetCode(status) != TF_OK) {
          fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to import graph %s", TF_Message(status));
          return 1;
  else {
          fprintf(stdout, "Successfully imported graph\n");

  // Create variables to store the size of the input and output variables
  const int num_bytes_in = 3 * sizeof(float);
  const int num_bytes_out = 9 * sizeof(float);

  // Set input dimensions - this should match the dimensionality of the input in
  // the loaded graph, in this case it's three dimensional.
  int64_t in_dims[] = {1, 1, 3};
  int64_t out_dims[] = {1, 9};

  // ######################
  // Set up graph inputs
  // ######################

  // Create a variable containing your values, in this case the input is a
  // 3-dimensional float
  float values[3] = {-1.04585315e+03,   1.25702492e+02,   1.11165466e+02};

  // Create vectors to store graph input operations and input tensors
  std::vector<TF_Output> inputs;
  std::vector<TF_Tensor*> input_values;

  // Pass the graph and a string name of your input operation
  // (make sure the operation name is correct)
  TF_Operation* input_op = TF_GraphOperationByName(graph, "lstm_1_input");
  TF_Output input_opout = {input_op, 0};

  // Create the input tensor using the dimension (in_dims) and size (num_bytes_in)
  // variables created earlier
  TF_Tensor* input = TF_NewTensor(TF_FLOAT, in_dims, 3, values, num_bytes_in, &Deallocator, 0);

  // Optionally, you can check that your input_op and input tensors are correct
  // by using some of the functions provided by the C API.
  std::cout << "Input op info: " << TF_OperationNumOutputs(input_op) << "\n";
  std::cout << "Input data info: " << TF_Dim(input, 0) << "\n";

  // ######################
  // Set up graph outputs (similar to setting up graph inputs)
  // ######################

  // Create vector to store graph output operations
  std::vector<TF_Output> outputs;
  TF_Operation* output_op = TF_GraphOperationByName(graph, "output_node0");
  TF_Output output_opout = {output_op, 0};

  // Create TF_Tensor* vector
  std::vector<TF_Tensor*> output_values(outputs.size(), nullptr);

  // Similar to creating the input tensor, however here we don't yet have the
  // output values, so we use TF_AllocateTensor()
  TF_Tensor* output_value = TF_AllocateTensor(TF_FLOAT, out_dims, 2, num_bytes_out);

  // As with inputs, check the values for the output operation and output tensor
  std::cout << "Output: " << TF_OperationName(output_op) << "\n";
  std::cout << "Output info: " << TF_Dim(output_value, 0) << "\n";

  // ######################
  // Run graph
  // ######################
  fprintf(stdout, "Running session...\n");
  TF_SessionOptions* sess_opts = TF_NewSessionOptions();
  TF_Session* session = TF_NewSession(graph, sess_opts, status);
  assert(TF_GetCode(status) == TF_OK);

  // Call TF_SessionRun
  TF_SessionRun(session, nullptr,
                &inputs[0], &input_values[0], inputs.size(),
                &outputs[0], &output_values[0], outputs.size(),
                nullptr, 0, nullptr, status);

  // Assign the values from the output tensor to a variable and iterate over them
  float* out_vals = static_cast<float*>(TF_TensorData(output_values[0]));
  for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
      std::cout << "Output values info: " << *out_vals++ << "\n";

  fprintf(stdout, "Successfully run session\n");

  // Delete variables
  TF_CloseSession(session, status);
  TF_DeleteSession(session, status);
  return 0;

TF_Buffer* read_file(const char* file) {
  FILE *f = fopen(file, "rb");
  fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
  long fsize = ftell(f);
  fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);  //same as rewind(f);

  void* data = malloc(fsize);
  fread(data, fsize, 1, f);

  TF_Buffer* buf = TF_NewBuffer();
  buf->data = data;
  buf->length = fsize;
  buf->data_deallocator = free_buffer;
  return buf;

Note: in my earlier attempt, I used '3' and '9' as the ninputs and noutputs arguments for TF_SessionRun(), thinking that these related to the length of my input and output tensors (I'm classifying 3-dimensional features into one of 9 classes). In fact, these are simple the number of input/output tensors, as the dimensionality of the tensors is handled earlier when they're instantiated. It's easy to just use the .size() member function here (when using std::vectors to hold the TF_Outputs).

Hopefully this makes sense and helps to clarify the process for anyone who finds themselves in a similar position in future!


