Select a frequency/intensity level for each Apple content description iTunes Connect error

If you couldn't find edit button for age rating like me in the app information page, It is in the preparing for submission page.

The alert indicates you have not filled all the Rating - Apple Content Descriptions which is below in your screenshot.

Let's go quick to the answer you need and then to the explanation. When you update your app, you have to check some checkboxes that are not by default:

enter image description here

As you can see in the image, my app has three rating fields that are empty: Medical / Treatment information, Unrestricted Web Access and Gambling and Contests.

You should check those for your app.

Now for the longer explanation:

In the case that you have filled all data, then I recommend to switch to another Internet browser, since it could also be a problem with processing the data you are submitting.

By the way, Apple changed the section. You may have received an e-mail:

There have been several recent changes that may impact the content rating of your apps. These changes give users more information about your apps and help ensure legal compliance.

New App Content Descriptions

You can now use the following descriptions: Medical/Treatment Information, Gambling and Contests, and Unrestricted Web Access (for apps that permit navigating and viewing web pages, for example with an embedded browser).

Update to Territory-Specific Restrictions Based on Rating

Territory-specific restrictions in the Korea, Brazil, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia App Stores have changed. You can see the current rating and territory restrictions for your apps in Manage Your Apps on iTunes Connect.

New Rating System for the Brazil App Store

In case you had difficulty finding the ratings section in the new iTunes Connect:

In the new iTunes Connect (2014) under the versions tab, scroll down to General App Information where you will see a small section titled Rating with a blue button titled edit. Tapping this button will bring up the Ratings section where you must make sure all fields are check-boxed. See attached screenshot
