Select ALL TableView Rows Programmatically Using selectRowAtIndexPath

At the time allJobsSelected becomes true, you need to call the UITableView method selectRowAtIndexPath(_:animated:scrollPosition:) for each row of your table. In my case, I attached this functionality to the right bar button item which I named Select All. Calling this from cellForRowAtIndexPath is surely not the right place.

@IBAction func doSelectAll(sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
    let totalRows = tableView.numberOfRowsInSection(0)
    for row in 0..<totalRows {
        tableView.selectRowAtIndexPath(NSIndexPath(forRow: row, inSection: 0), animated: false, scrollPosition: UITableViewScrollPosition.None)

For Swift 3 and answering your question literally, regardless of your code.

func selectAllRows() {
    for section in 0..<tableView.numberOfSections {
        for row in 0..<tableView.numberOfRows(inSection: section) {
            tableView.selectRow(at: IndexPath(row: row, section: section), animated: false, scrollPosition: .none)

If you want to inform the tableview delegate, use this method:

func selectAllRows() {
    for section in 0..<tableView.numberOfSections {
        for row in 0..<tableView.numberOfRows(inSection: section) {
            let indexPath = IndexPath(row: row, section: section)
            _ = tableView.delegate?.tableView?(tableView, willSelectRowAt: indexPath)
            tableView.selectRow(at: indexPath, animated: false, scrollPosition: .none)
            tableView.delegate?.tableView?(tableView, didSelectRowAt: indexPath)