Select parsed int, if string was parseable to int

It's still two codelines, but you can shorten up your original a little:

int asInt = 0;
var ints = from str in strings
           where Int32.TryParse(str, out asInt)
           select asInt;

Since the TryParse already runs at the time of the select, the asInt variable is populated, so you can use that as your return value - you don't need to parse it again.

If you don't mind your coworkers jumping you in the parking lot there is a way to do this in one true line of linq (no semicolons) ....

strings.Select<string, Func<int,int?>>(s => (n) => int.TryParse(s, out n) ? (int?)n : (int?)null ).Where(λ => λ(0) != null).Select(λ => λ(0).Value);

It isn't practical, but doing this in one statement was far too interesting a challenge to pass up.

I'd probably have this little utility method somewhere (I actually do in my current codebase :-))

public static class SafeConvert
    public static int? ToInt32(string value) 
        int n;
        if (!Int32.TryParse(value, out n))
            return null;
        return n;

Then you use this much cleaner LINQ statement:

from str in strings
let number = SafeConvert.ToInt32(str)
where number != null
select number.Value;

It's hard to do that in query syntax, but it's not too bad in lambda syntax:

var ints = strings.Select(str => {
                             int value;
                             bool success = int.TryParse(str, out value);
                             return new { value, success };
                  .Where(pair => pair.success)
                  .Select(pair => pair.value);

Alternatively, you may find it worth writing a method which returns an int?:

public static int? NullableTryParseInt32(string text)
    int value;
    return int.TryParse(text, out value) ? (int?) value : null;

Then you can just use:

var ints = from str in strings
           let nullable = NullableTryParseInt32(str)
           where nullable != null
           select nullable.Value;



