SelectCheckboxMenu - Disable "all-selection"

The previous answer did not work for me under PrimeFaces 5.0, so I took a deeper look in the generated HTML and found a solution for PF5 as well.

For PrimeFaces 5.0 you can remove the "select all" checkbox like this:

.without-selectall .ui-selectcheckboxmenu-header .ui-chkbox {
    display: none; 

Now use panelStyleClass-attribute instead of styleClass:

<p:selectCheckboxMenu ...

You can add css rule to your css file

#titel .ui-chkbox .ui-widget {

You should add prependId="false" to your h:form , or in case you don't want to add prependId="false" you can change the #titel .ui-chkbox .ui-widget selector into something like #myForm\3A titel .ui-chkbox .ui-widget (to handle the : id seperator)

In case you want the entire filter row removed you can set

<p:selectCheckboxMenu filter="false"....