send json object to xsjs code example

Example 1: send json object to xsjs

var JSONString = $.request.parameters.get("JSON_DATA");//Reading the input JSON string
var JSONObj = JSON.parse(JSONString);//serializing the input string
// Now we have the JSON object with us. Do what ever manipulation you want to do on it.
//For the test case i am just returning the number of rows in the JSON object

Example 2: send json object to xsjs

return new sap.ui.commons.layout.MatrixLayout({
  id : "matrix1",
  layoutFixed : false
  createRow(new sap.ui.commons.Button({
  text : "Submit",
  press : function(evt){
  //Getting the JSON data bound to the table object (oTable)
  var JSONData = oTable.getBinding().getModel().oData.modelData;
  //Converting the JSON object to a string variable (formalluy serialization)
  var JSONString = JSON.stringify(JSONData);
  //Making an AJAX POST call
  $.post("proxy/Finance/XSApps/test.xsjs",//this is the target URL
  { JSON_DATA: JSONString } //Data passing with attribute naem JSON_DATA
  ).done(function( data ) {//Success function call
     alert( "Data returned rom XSJS: " + data );