Send to multiple recipients in Rails with ActionMailer

I have the same problem. I don't know what is the deal is. I sidestep it by:

instead of calling


from my controller,

I'd define a class method on the mailer, and call that. That method would then iterate through the list and call deliver "n" times. That seems to work:

class Mailer

   def self.send_replacement_request(shift)
     @recipients = ...
     @recipients.each do |recipient|
       request_replacement(recipient, shift).deliver

   def request_replacement(recipient, shift)

and from the controller, call


In the Rails guides (Action Mailer Basics) it says the following regarding multiple emails:

The list of emails can be an array of email addresses or a single string with the addresses separated by commas.

So both "[email protected], [email protected]" and ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"] should work.

See more at:

You can just send one email for multiple recipients like this.

def request_replacement(shift)
  @shift = shift
  @user = shift.user
  @recipients = User.where(:replacement_emails => true)
  @url  = root_url
  emails = @recipients.collect(&:email).join(",")
  mail(:to => emails, :subject => "A replacement clerk has been requested")

This will take all your @recipients email addresses and join them with ,. I think you can also pass an array to the :to key but not sure.

The only problem is you won't be able to use @name in your template. :(