Separate label from textbox

Use remove layout if you can select that little cross.

remove layout

Use the align buttons to tidy up this mess.


Remove layout only works if you use either tabular or stacked.

Use the square at the top right to move them separately, and select only the label to delete the label.

Just select the one you want to use only, and it can be controlled separately. Also: width, height, top, and left in the properties tab are your friends.

To move a text box (or any control) independently from its label is to click and drag the control using the large grey box in the top left of the control. This allows you complete freedom of placement between the control and label.

I do not use Access much so I find letting Access create all the labels is quicker, when separating the label from the data I use the following method.

  • Click the label
  • Ctrl+C to copy label
  • Delete to remove label
  • Ctrl+V to paste label back to form
  • Drag from top left to roughly the location you want

If you have a column of labels then do the cut/copy/paste/reposition for all of them first, then use the method Fionnuala shows to align all to right. If the labels are too far to the left or right the use the cursor keys to move.

Again use Fionnuala method to align the rows.

If you find they do not align as expected then Ctrl+Z to step back.