Separate observable values by specific amount of time in RxJS

I think that using zip produce better and more readable code, still using just 3 observables.

var items = ['A', 'B', 'C'];
  Rx.Observable.timer(2000, 2000),  
  function(item, i) { return item;}

For your specific example, the idea is to map each value from the array to an observable that will yield its result after a delay, then concatenate the resulting stream of observables:

var delayedStream = Rx.Observable
    .fromArray([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    .map(function (value) { return Rx.Observable.return(value).delay(2000); })

Other examples might indeed make use of timer or interval. It just depends.

For example, if your array is really really big, then the above will cause a fair amount of memory pressure (because it is creating N observables for a really large N). Here is an alternative that uses interval to lazily walk the array:

var delayedStream = Rx.Observable
    .take(reallyBigArray.length) // end the observable after it pulses N times
    .map(function (i) { return reallyBigArray[i]; });

This one will yield the next value from the array every 2 seconds until it has iterated over the entire array.