Sequelize associations - please use promise-style instead

Update: 15 Jan 15 - added .finally() handler. Also indicated how .then() is being fed with an argument from the previous handler and how to perform the next sequenced query.

The .success, .error and .done handlers are deprecated. The errors are not critical and it is likely that backwards compatibility will be maintained on them. But you should still change it.

As per promise A specs:

You now should do the following style:

  .then(function(results) {
      //do something with results
      //you can also take the results to make another query and return the promise.
      return db.anotherModel.find(results[0].anotherModelId);          
  }).then(function(results) {
      //do something else
  }).catch(function(err) {
  }).finally(function() {
        // finally gets called always regardless of 
        // whether the promises resolved with or without errors.
        // however this finally handler does not receive any arguments.

In short:

Use .then instead of .success

Use .catch instead of .error

Use .finally instead of .done *note: .finally will always get called regardless.