sequelize for Node.js : ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE
When you define a model to an existing table, you need to set two options for sequelize to:
- find your table name as-is and
- not fret about sequelize's default columns updatedAt and createdAt that it expects.
Simply add both options like so:
var nodeTest = sequelize.define('node_test',
{ uid: Sequelize.INTEGER , val: Sequelize.STRING},
{ freezeTableName: true , timestamps: false} //add both options here
Note the options parameter:
Missing either options triggers respective errors when using sequelize methods such as nodeTest.findAll().
> ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE //freezeTableName
> ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR //timestamps
Alternatively, you can:
- create a fresh table through sequelize. It will append "s" to the table name and create two timestamp columns as defaults or
- use sequelize-auto, an awesome npm package to generate sequelize models from your existing database programmatically.
Here's the sequelize documentation for option configurations.
I found the answer my own question.
I appended Sequelize method option following. {define:{freezeTableName:true}}
Then sequelize not appends 's' character after table name.
Though the answer works nicely, I nowadays recommend the use of the tableName
option when declaring the model:
sequelize.define('node_test', {
uid: Sequelize.INTEGER,
val: Sequelize.STRING
}, {
tableName: 'node_test'
Sequelize is using by default the plural of the passed model name. So it will look for the table "node_tests" or "NodeTests". Also it can create the table for you if you want that.
nodeTest.sync().success(function() {
// here comes your find command.
Sync will try to create the table if it does not already exist. You can also drop the existing table and create a new one from scratch by using sync({ force: true })
. Check the SQL commands on your command line for more details about what is going on.