Serialize or Hash a Closure in PHP

My solution is more general and respects static parameters for closure. To make the trick, you can pass a reference to the closure inside the closure:

class ClosureHash
     * List of hashes
     * @var SplObjectStorage
    protected static $hashes = null;

     * Returns a hash for closure
     * @param callable $closure
     * @return string
    public static function from(Closure $closure)
        if (!self::$hashes) {
            self::$hashes = new SplObjectStorage();

        if (!isset(self::$hashes[$closure])) {
            $ref  = new ReflectionFunction($closure);
            $file = new SplFileObject($ref->getFileName());
            $content = '';
            while ($file->key() < $ref->getEndLine()) {
                $content .= $file->current();
            self::$hashes[$closure] = md5(json_encode(array(
        return self::$hashes[$closure];

class Test {

    public function hello($greeting)
        $closure = function ($message) use ($greeting, &$closure) {
            echo "Inside: ", ClosureHash::from($closure), PHP_EOL, "<br>" ;
        return $closure;

$obj = new Test();

$closure = $obj->hello('Hello');
echo "Outside: ", ClosureHash::from($closure), PHP_EOL, "<br>";

$another = $obj->hello('Bonjour');
echo "Outside: ", ClosureHash::from($another), PHP_EOL, "<br>";

Ok, here is the only thing I can think of:

$f = function() {
$rf = new ReflectionFunction($f);
$pseudounique = $rf->getFileName().$rf->getEndLine();

If you like, you can hash it with md5 or whatnot. If the function is generated from a string however, you should seed that with a uniqid()

You could all that you need write your own, your own closures having a getId() or getHash() or whatever.

Example (Demo):

1: Hello world
2: Hello world

First closure (ID: 1), ID read in calling context. Second closure (ID: 2), ID read from within the closure (where self-reference).


 * @link

class IdClosure
    private $callback;
    private $id;

    private static $sequence = 0;

    final public function __construct(Callable $callback) {
        $this->callback = $callback;
        $this->id = ++IdClosure::$sequence;

    public function __invoke() {
        return call_user_func_array($this->callback, func_get_args());

    public function getId() {
        return $this->id;

$hello = new IdClosure(function($text) { echo "Hello $text\n";});
echo $hello->getId(), ": ", $hello('world');

$hello2 = new IdClosure(function($text) use (&$hello2) { echo $hello2->getId(), ": Hello $text\n";} );

I have no clue if that suits your needs, maybe it gives you some ideas. I suggested spl_object_hash but didn't understood the discussion much why it does not or in the end then does work.