Serializing Entity Framework Objects into JSON

If you want Serialize Entity Framework Objects into JSON, You can use JSON.NET from to do this, install JSON.NET from nuget and use following code sample:

return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(results, Formatting.Indented, 
new JsonSerializerSettings { 
    ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore 

ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore can prevent circular reference error.

It sounds like EF is not giving you a ASSystem, but rather some subtle dynamic subclass of that with some EF goo. If that is correct, I would argue the simplest thing to do here is to use something like AutoMapper to get a non-EF copy (into a new ASSystem() instance, untouched by EF). However, a few alternatives:

  • you could try marking ASSystem as sealed, taking away EF's ability to inject itself
  • you you write a custom converter and register it - this is probably more work than mapping, though

You can create a POCO object that can contains your data and can be serialized. For example define:

public class MySystem {
  public int SID {get; set;}
  public string Description {get; set;}
  public string SystemName {get; set;}

in your code use this statement:

IQuerable<MySystem> sysList = from s in ctx.AS_SYSTEM where s.SYSTEM_ID == query 
                           select new MySystem(){SID = s.SYSTEM_ID,  
                           Description = s.Description, SystemName = s.SystemName   };
MySystem sys = sysList.First();

Now you can serialize sys as in your example.