Service worker is caching files but fetch event is never fired

After looking at your gist and your question, I think your issue is with scoping.

From what I've determined with service workers(at least with static files), the service worker only has a maximum scope of the directory it is in. That is to say, it can't load files/requests/responses that are pulled from a location at or above its structure, only below.

For example, /js/service-worker.js will only be able to load files in /js/{dirName}/.

Therefore, if you change the location of your service worker to the root of your web project, the fetch event should fire and your assets should load from cache.

So something like /service-worker.js, which should be able to access the /json directory, since it is deeper than the service-worker.js file.

This is further explained here, in the "Register A service worker" section.

I struggled with this for a long time, and I think the documentation related to the matter is seriously lacking. In my experience, there is a very important distinction:

The service worker can only intercept fetch events if it is in or above the scope of the URL it is accessed from.

For example, my sw.js file was located at /static/sw.js. When accessing my site's root at / and attempting to intercept fetch events to js files in /static/js/common.js, the fetch events were not intercepted, even though the scope of my service worker was /static/ and the js file was in /static/js/.

Once I moved my sw.js file to the top-level scope /sw.js, the fetch events were all intercepted. This is because the scope of the page I was accessing with my browser / was the same as the scope of my sw.js file /.

Please let me know if this clears things up for people, or if I am incorrect!