Session is null when calling method from one controller to another...MVC

That's because ControllerB needs to initializes itself, and as part of this process it also sets Session, Request, Resposne etc accordingly.

So, you need to call the Initialize() method and pass it the current RequestContext. But, since it's marked as protected (because it wasn't meant to be called directly, only using the ControllerFactory), you'll have to expose it:

public class ControllerB : Controller
    public void InitializeController(RequestContext context)

Then in your ControllerA:

var controllerB = new ControllerB();

Alternatively, since the Session getter is actually a shorthand for this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.Session (same for Request, Response etc), you can set the ControllerContext instead:

var controllerB = new ControllerB();
controllerB.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext(this.Request.RequestContext, controllerB);