Set global declaration in vscode JavaScript


This answer was mostly inspired by mootrichard's answer, but since it had to be modified, to work with my project, I am also adding this answer.


If you press F12 on a global JavaScript function (i.e. eval) a typing declarations file will appear (lib.es5.d.ts), containing JavaScript documentation. You can just add any extra namespaces or function to that file. But you need to use declare and not export.


//... Other Global JavaScript Declarations

// JavaScript Number Interface
interface Number {

// JavaScript Date Interface
interface Date {

declare function ezDefine(moduleName: string, generator: *): void;

You can specify your own TypeScript folder path in your settings.json where you can specify your own lib.*.d.ts files using the typescript.tsdk option.

  "typescript.tsdk": "node_modules/typescript/lib"