set image c# unity code example
Example 1: how to change a image with code unity
// Change From GameOject
public GameObject GameObjectWithImage;
public Sprite ImageYouWant;
GameObjectWithImage.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = ImageYouWant
// Change From Image
public Image Image;
public Sprite ImageYouWant;
Image.sprite = ImageYouWant
Example 2: unity change the source image or image
public Image test;
public Sprite example;
void Start()
test.sprite = example; //change the source image of the image "test" to the sprite "example"
Example 3: change image runtime unity
Image[] images = PlayerBarExample.GetComponentsInChildren<Image>(); Image face = images[0]; foreach (Image image in images) { if (image.gameObject.CompareTag("face")) face = image; }