Set the develop branch as the default for a pull request

The github has their own suggested workflow called github flow, by convention all pull requests default to master but you can now edit it to any branch you like.

When using gitflow in github with the default branch set to develop, you will get a notification that the master has changes and ask you to create a Pull Request to develop after releasing. I'm not sure how to fix this.

Alternatively make develop the default branch that everyone sees when visiting the project. The downside is that anyone who clones it will get an unstable branch by default but all pull requests will go to the develop branch by default too.

Instead of using master and develop branches, use stable and master.

Then it is usually good to merge them before tagging a new version, so there is none or only little diversion. I use this schema and usually stable follows master with small delay and merges are mostly fast-forward.

To keep master branch deployable, merge feature branches when they are ready. But since you have stable branch, new features does not have to be well tested.