setTimeout and anonymous function problem

This is a closure issue. By the time you run the function, i is already at endOpacity. This will work, by creating another closure:

function SetOpacityTimeout(eID, opacity, timer){
  setTimeout(function() {SetOpacity(eID, opacity);}, timer * 30);

function fade(eID, startOpacity, endOpacity){           
    var timer = 0;
    if (startOpacity < endOpacity) {
       for (var i = startOpacity; i <= endOpacity; i++) {

This is am example I used with jquery. "menuitem" is the itemclass and jquery checks the "recentlyOut" class to see if it needs to slide back up.

The code speaks for itself.


            var bool = $(".recentlyOut").hasClass("over");
            if (!bool)
    , 400);

This should work:

for (var i = startOpacity; i <= endOpacity; i++) {
    (function(opacity) {
        setTimeout(function() {SetOpacity(eID, opacity);}, timer * 30);

This works as follows:

  • inside the loop you create an anonymous function (function(...){...}) and immediately call it with a parameter (that's why there are parentheses around function(){}, so you can call it by adding () at the end and passing parameters)
  • parameters passed to this anonymous function (in this case i, which is opacity inside the function) are local to this anonymous function, so they don't change during the next iterations of the loop, and you can safely pass them to another anonymous function (the first parameter in setTimeout)

Your original version didn't work because:

  • your function that is passed to setTimeout holds a reference to the variable i (not the value of it), and it resolves its value only when this function is called, which is not at the time of adding it to setTimeout
  • the value of this variable gets changed in the loop, and before even the first setTimeout executes, i will have reached endOpacity (the last value from the for loop)

Unfortunately JavaScript only has function scope, so it won't work if you create the variable inside the loop and assign a new actual value, because whenever there is some var inside a function, those variables are created at the time of function execution (and are undefined by default). The only (easy) way to create new scope is to create a function (which may be anonymous) and create new variables inside it (parameters are variables too).

Kobi has the right idea on the problem. I suggest you use an interval instead, though.

Here's an example: (Your SetOpacity function remains the same, I left it out here.)

function fade(eID, startOpacity, endOpacity){
    var opacity = startOpacity;
    SetOpacity(eID, opacity);

    var interval = window.setInterval(function(){
        SetOpacity(eID, opacity);

        // Stop the interval when done
        if (opacity === endOpacity)
    }, 30);

