Setting environment variables in pre-build event and using in compilation step

It's 11 years later than when this question was originally asked. I am using VS 2019

if in the event you want to assign variables in your event like....

set ABC=123

Then you can't use $(ABC) as the $(ABC) is processed before it is handed to the command line to run.

You must use %ABC% as used by the command line. It doesnt know what $(ABC) is as it is only understood by visual studio.

To Further complicate things visual studio event editor uses % as an escape char. Ive noticed things starting %D are bad, %K, %Z and %K are good.

Apparently you can use %25 as the escape for %.

%DESTDIR% doesnt as the escaping garbles it - so changing it to %25DESDIR%25 fixes it.

I must admit that I've never attempted to set environment variables in a pre-build step, and I can see why it wouldn't necessarily work (running a batch file would most likely trigger a separate process, whereas you'd want to manipulate the parent process's environment).

A workaround I've been using, but which will only work when you can determine the necessary settings before starting Visual Studio, is to create a batch file that sets the necessary environment variables and then kicks off Visual Studio with the appropriate solution file. I've reproduced the skeleton of this batch file below:

REM Set up VS environment with defaults (this is for 2008) - need to do this first
call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat"
REM Set the environment variables required by the project
set BOOST_BASE=C:\Boost\include\boost-1_35
REM If you need to manipulate the path, do it here
REM Finally, start VS with the appropriate solution file
devenv MyProjectWithBoost.sln

You might want to investigate this tool:

We use it all the time to manage environment variables in our build environment.