Setting Text Styles in Xcode (6.1)

If by "text styles" and "body" you are talking about Dynamic Type and its "body" style (UIFontTextStyleBody), as documented here, then the problem is that you have not understood what Dynamic Type is about. The whole point of Dynamic Type is that the font and size used are not up to you; they are up to the system (and the user's text size preferences). By using Dynamic Type, you are accepting the system's choice of font.

If you want to set a font as Futura 30pt, then set it. This has nothing to do with any "styles". If you want to set all UILabel fonts as Futura 30pt, you can use the appearance proxy. But there is no built-in "styles" system (unless you design one yourself somehow); this is not a web browser.

Anyone coming here later should check out: