setup kvm on a wireless interface on a laptop machine

As someone rightly said once, Nothing is impossible in LinuxTM, I could achieve the kvm in my host with a bridged network over a wireless interface.

These are the steps I followed to accomplish the same.

  1. I installed the virt-manager package to manage the installation more efficiently. I installed it as below.

    sudo apt-get install virt-manager
  2. Now, create a new sub-network using Virt Manager’s GUI as highlighted below. This is basically a sub network of our existing host network.

    enter image description here

  3. After setting this new sub-network, check if the network is available and ping some sites to check the network connectivity.

  4. Also, check the routing information using route command and make sure wlan0 and virbr2 doesn't have the same destination.

  5. Now, the final step to make it work is to issue the below command. Here is the host machine address.

    arp -i wlan0 -Ds wlan0 pub
  6. After the above step, I was able to successfully install a Fedora guest OS using the virt-manager.
