Setup MongoDB on Windows Server 2008

In the mongod.cfg (at C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin), just update:

# network interfaces
  port: 27017
#  bindIp:

let the mongo db bing to i.e. all interfaces and not only Then it will allow connections to all interfaces.

I think I found how to achieve it. First of all, allow the port 27017 on your firewall. Then I installed Mongo as a service using a configuration file. I created the mongos.conf like this:

dbpath = d:\mongo\data
logpath = d:\mongo\logs
noauth = true # use 'true' for options that don't take an argument

I saved it under: d:\mongo\mongos.conf

Then I did this in the command line:

mongod --config d:\mongo\mongos.conf --reinstall

The key is to make sure there is no bind_ip config key in your configuration file. So it will allow mongo to be binded to any ip. You should then be able to go to

http://localhost:27017 and see the following message:

You are trying to access MongoDB on the native driver port. For http diagnostic access, add 1000 to the port number

And you should also be able to go to:

http://192.168.x.x:27017 (your ip) and you should see the same output.

Try running this command from an admin DOS prompt to open external access to the default MongoDB port 27017:

C:\> netsh.exe advfirewall firewall add rule name="MongoDB (port 27017)"
        dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=27017