Sharing resources between Terraform workspaces

For the shared resources, I create them in a separate template and then refer to them using terraform_remote_state in the template where I need information about them.

What follows is how I implement this, there are probably other ways to implement it. YMMV

In the shared services template (where you would put your IAM role) I use Terraform backend to store the output data for the shared services template in Consul. You also need to output any information you want to use in other templates.

shared_services template

terraform {
  backend "consul" {
    address = ""
    path    = "terraform/shared_services"

resource "aws_iam_role" "lambda_iam_role" {
  name = "LambdaGeneralRole"
  policy = <...>

output "lambda_iam_role_arn" {
  value = "${aws_iam_role.lambda_iam_role.arn}"

A "backend" in Terraform determines how state is loaded and how an operation such as apply is executed. This abstraction enables non-local file state storage, remote execution, etc.

In the individual template you invoke the backend as a data source using terraform_remote_state and can use the data in that template.


Retrieves state meta data from a remote backend

individual template

data "terraform_remote_state" "shared_services" {
    backend = "consul"
    config {
        address = ""
        path    = "terraform/shared_services"

# This is where you use the terraform_remote_state data source
resource "aws_lambda_function" "my_lambda" {
  function_name = "lambda-${terraform.workspace}"
  role = "${data.terraform_remote_state.shared_services.lambda_iam_role_arn}"
