Shear transform a "box"

With a slightly more recent pdfTeX than in David's answer, you can more directly do affine transforms using \pdfsetmatrix. I don't claim to know anything about this, but here is roughly what graphicx does under the hood in \rotatebox (with a different matrix, of course).

        \pdfsetmatrix{1 0 #1 1}%
\slantbox{Hello, world!}

\slantbox[-2]{Hello, world!}
\slantbox[-1]{Hello, world!}
\slantbox[-.8]{Hello, world!}
\slantbox[-.6]{Hello, world!}
\slantbox[-.4]{Hello, world!}
\slantbox[-.2]{Hello, world!}

\slantbox[.2]{Hello, world!}
\slantbox[.4]{Hello, world!}
\slantbox[.6]{Hello, world!}
\slantbox[.8]{Hello, world!}
\slantbox[1]{Hello, world!}
\slantbox[2]{Hello, world!}


enter image description here

Aha, TikZability opportunity!

\begin{scope}[cm={1,0,1,1,(0,0)}] % Sets the coordinate trafo matrix entries.
\node[transform shape] at (0,0) {ABC};
\node[transform shape] at (3,0) {Hello};
\node[transform shape] at (2,2) {World};
\node[transform shape] at (1,2) {FOObar?};

You can put into nodes instead of boxes (with less risk :P).

enter image description here

enter image description here

You can mess with the coordinate matrix, but at your own risk...



ABC\pdfliteral{ q 2 0.1 0.6 .4 0 0 cm}\rlap{XYZ}\pdfliteral{ Q}


