awk use delimiter code example
Example 1: awk delimiter
# by default, awk uses empty space(s) as field seperator
# we can specify field seperator ourselves using -F flag
# SINGLE field seperator
echo 'a+b=c' | awk -F'=' '{print NF, $1, $2}'
# NF in awk stands for number of fields
# Returns
2 a+b c
# MULTIPLE field seperators
echo 'a+b=c' | awk -F'[+=]' '{print NF, $1, $2, $3}'
# Returns
3 a b c
Example 2: awk define string as delimiter
Just use function split in awk command to split a line into an array 'a'
using a choosen string as delimiter as for example ", " in next use case:
echo "hi, bye, hey" | awk '{split($0,a,", "); print a[3],a[2],a[1]}'