bash split string by delimiter code example

Example 1: split string and create array bash

my_array=($(echo $string | tr "," "\n"))

Example 2: split string and create array bash

IFS=', ' read -r -a array <<< "$string"

Example 3: bash split string into variables

# separator is space
VAR="inforge srl bergamo"
read -r ONE TWO THREE <<< "${VAR}"
echo ${ONE}
echo ${TWO}
echo ${THREE}

# separator is comma
IFS="," read -r ONE TWO THREE <<< "${VAR}"
echo "${ONE} ${TWO} ${THREE}"

Example 4: split bash string

IN="[email protected];[email protected]"
arrIN=(${IN//;/ })

Example 5: bash split variable by delimiter

IFS='|' read -r -a arrayName <<< "$variable"