biggest challange code example

Example: biggest challange

I think, the most important problem is misunderstanding 
and the lack of communication in the business life. 
If we come together as a group and discuss it, 
there is nothing we cannot solve. 

1-Last minute requirement change?
2-Not enough information on the user story
3-Application behaves different in different enviroment or browser
4-Not a good coverage of test, not testing enough feature
5-Incomplete or no documentation communication
6-Unstable testing enviroment
7-Bad communication-collaboration between testers and 
developers. Not good relationship
8-Deciding what to automate
1. Last Minute Requirement Changes
It is quite common to change project requirements mid-sprint 
in agile development projects. Testers might have to redo 
the entire scope of testing since even the smallest changes 
to a codebase needs to be run through multiple tests to 
ensure its stability and compatibility with existing code.
For example, if a browser introduces an update, testers will 
have to perform browser compatibility testing to ensure that 
the website’s existing features run flawlessly even after 
the update. On the other hand, if a new feature is added 
to the website last-minute, cross browser testing is necessary 
to ensure that the feature works perfectly across multiple browsers.
It is possible that a feature needs to be changed or modified 
due to some changes in user feedback or software updates. 
For example, a feature might have to be modified because 
of a recent browser update. If requirement changes come 
through towards the end of a sprint, testers can prefer 
for running as many tests as possible within the time available. 
For this reason Tester should be very clear about the priority 
of the test aspects. For sure we cannot test all aspects of the 
updated feature in last minute, so we should have a 
good coordination with PO and developer to understand their approaches.
I use 20-80 ratio for that purpose. The first %20 of the test cases
should cover %80 of the features.
2. Not Enough Information on the Story
There was a times when our product owner who writes user stories, 
has some idea about a new feature but doesn’t have all the details 
to write a good set of acceptance criteria to fully define the 
behavior of the feature. She was askin the development team to 
create a prototype so we can get more ideas about the functionality
and behavior of the feature. This was creating a challenge to me
as a tester because there was a lack of understanding and requirements,
so I wasn't able to construct proper test cases.Solution:
So what I did was as a Tester I had to depend on my judgement 
in this case. I din’t need very detailed requirements to start testing,
so I start by thinking about high level scenarios that 
test the concept of the story, rather than waiting to get 
full clarification about the feature and losing time. 
By drafting high level test scenarios, even when the details change,
the context should still be the same. When test cases are written 
on the basis of high-level use cases, changes in feature details
will result in minor variations in test scripts. This is because 
the context and the wider user journey remains the same. 
So instead of waiting for PO to give me full description and losing time, 
I start working on creating tests.
3. Application behaves differently on Different Type of  Browsers
Nowadays, the architecture of application consists of a 
“back-end” and a “front-end”. The front-end side is largely based
on JavaScript and CSS which could potentially behave differently
when viewed from different browsers or devices. Ensuring that a 
website functions as expected in all major browsers and popular 
mobile devices or tablets is indeed a top challenge for testers 
in agile projects.Solution:
Automation is key here. Writing a test and running it on multiple 
browsers is what automation does best. You can use Selenium Grid
to manage and run your automated tests in parallel on multiple browsers.
4. Absence of Complete Testing:
Software products today get to build with a few million lines of codes.
To make an error-free product deployment, every section of code 
must go through a complete testing process. However, because of 
the high demand for software applications in a shorter time, 
the software companies face the challenge of executing a 
whole testing process. When a product release gets closer, 
clients and project managers create more pressure on developers
and software testers to deliver the product. That is another 
reason behind the absence of complete testing.Solution: 
Companies should create a priority list of requirements.
It will help to identify the areas that need to be tested earlier. 
Besides, such practice will ensure that the essential 
part of the software product is tested and verified before moving
to further stages.