built in modules in python import code example
Example 1: importing modules with package in python
from pakage_name.module_name import function_name
# now we can directly use function
################################## OR ########################################
from pakage_name import module_name
# now we have to use module_name.function_name
Example 2: how to import modules in python
# import all functions in the module 0-print_list_intiger
import 0-print_list_intiger
# import only print_list_integer function from the module 0-print_list_intiger
from 0-print_list_integer import print_list_intiger
# point the function print_list_intiger from the module 0-print_list_intiger to a string print_list_intiger
print_list_intiger = __import__('0-print_list_intiger').print_list_integer