cmd linux code example

Example 1: linux basic commads

ls - list everything in current dirrectory
cd directoryname - change directory to given directory
cp directorynameofcopied directorynamewheretocopy - copes a file or folder
mv directoryoffiletobemoved directrynameofdestinationtomove - moves a file
pwd - print current location
touch filename - create a file
cat > filename - createa a file name and write into it
| - pipe command, lets you combine commands

Example 2: linux commands

Linux Commands (case-sensitive)
reboot ==> reboots system
man ==> gives you instruction of the command - Ex:
"man reboot"
mikdir ==> Creates directory(folder)
cd ==> Change directory
Ls ==> List directory content
pwd ==> Print name of the current working directory. It
gives you the exact location; Ex: /home/Andy/Desktop
ll ==> Long list format
ls-la ==> Prints files and hidden file
clear ==> Clear screen
cd.. ==> Goes to the parent file (not the root file)
cd/ ==> Goes to the parent root file
cd~ ==> Goes to the home of the user file
grep ==> Prints a line matching a pattern
df-h ==> Prints the disk space usage top ==> Displays
linux tasks (like task manager)