connection droped issue with paramiko while uploading huge files code example

Example: connection droped issue with paramiko while uploading huge files

with paramiko.Transport((server, 22)) as transport:
            # SFTP FIXES
            transport.default_window_size = paramiko.common.MAX_WINDOW_SIZE // 2
            #transport.default_max_packet_size = paramiko.common.MAX_WINDOW_SIZE
            transport.packetizer.REKEY_BYTES = pow(2,
                                                   40)  # 1TB max, this is a security degradation!
            transport.packetizer.REKEY_PACKETS = pow(2,
                                                      40)  # 1TB max, this is a security degradation!
            # / SFTP FIXES

            transport.connect(username=username, password=pw)
            with paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) as sftp:
                sftp.get_channel().in_window_size = 2097152
                sftp.get_channel().out_window_size = 2097152
                sftp.get_channel().in_max_packet_size = 2097152
                sftp.get_channel().out_max_packet_size = 2097152
                files = sftp.listdir()
                files = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith(".zip"), files))

                if len(files) > 2:
                    for f in files:
                        target = str(dst / f)
                        print(f"Downloading {f} to {target}")
                        sftp.get(f, target)

                    for f in files: