dpkg install code example
Example 1: install deb file
sudo dpkg -i /path/to/deb/file
sudo apt-get install -f
Example 2: dependencies dpkg
sudo apt-get -f install
Example 3: install ubuntu deb
#install downloaded .deb
sudo dpkg -i /path/name.deb
#install packages
sudo apt install package_name
Example 4: install *.deb file in ubuntu
Install a downloaded program in Ubuntu - Linux
sudo dpkg -i package_file.deb
sudo apt install path_to_deb_file
Example 5: how to install dpkg in ubuntu
# download dpkg package
#open terminal into same directory and now type command with <packagename>.deb
sudo dpkg -i <package-name>.deb
#Ex: sudo dpkg -i mongodb-compass_1.23.0_amd64.deb